Jim Dykes, NYC Celebrity Tourguide writes about Opera Superstar MARIA CALLAS- Diva Supreme-- raised in Manhattan's Washington Heights Neighborhood!

In fact, her initial musical training and first public
performances took place in this Northern Manhattan neighborhood. When Callas
died at age 53 on Sept. 16, 1977, the world lost one of the greatest singers in
history. She had also slimmed down and become not only an opera star, but a
fashion star.
Without any question, Callas was a celebrity. Even for those who
were not opera devotees, she provided front page reading and was a source of
gossip due to cancellations in major opera houses, a much-publicized divorce
from Italian industrialist Battista Meneghina after she met the infamous Greek
shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis, and a humiliating rejection when Onassis
tossed her aside to marry another celebrity named Jacqueline Kennedy. The
legend is that she bought about her own death by the overuse of sleeping pills
and other pills because of her intense depression after being rejected by
Onassis but no one has ever confirmed this.
Callas was the daughter of Greek immigrants who arrived in
America during the early 1920s and subsequently changed their name from
Kalogeropoulos to Callas. On Dec. 2, 1923, the couple’s second daughter was
born at Flower Hospital at Fifth Avenue & 106th St. (now Cardinal
Cooke healthcare & rehab). Callas weighed a healthy 12 ½ pounds and was
named Cecilia Sophia Anna Maria.

One July evening when Maria was 5, she was waiting at a street
corner with her parents and was struck by a car. The child was taken to St.
Elizabeth’s Hospital and remained there for 22 days before recovering. Several
months later the stock market crashed and her father was forced to sell the
pharmacy. From 1929 thru 1933 the Callas family had to move several times
within Washington Heights to less expensive apartments as money became a
problem. But despite financial constraints, both girls kept studying piano and
voice 4 times a week.
At this time, Maria’s mother Evangelia, recalled that one warm
evening in May Maria was playing piano and singing “La Paloma” near the window.
Looking outside, her Mother noticed that the street below was crowded with
neighbors who would not disperse until Maria had finished singing.
Twice a week Evangelia took her daughters to the New York Public
Library on 42nd Street to attend lectures and readings of the
classics. Maria also began to borrow various opera recordings from the library.
Maria attended school at P.S. 189 on W. 188th St. She
was remembered by one of her former teachers as “a pleasant, well-behaved girl,
but hardly someone who later in life would set the world on fire.” To this day,
her school records are kept in plastic and displayed at the school. Maria made
her stage debut in a school production of Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado
and soaked up the audience applause and the compliments of her classmates.
In 1937, Evangelia and her husband experienced marital problems,
so she packed up her daughters and returned home to live with her Mother in
Greece. On January 28, 1937 Maria participated in the 8th grade graduation exercises and
sang a selection from Gilbert & Sullivan’s HMS Pinafore.
A few days later Maria boarded the Ocean liner Saturnia for a
new life in Greece, where her intense vocal training would begin. Callas never
returned to Washington Heights.
Almost 20 years later, in 1956, Callas came back to New York as
a famous diva to make her Metropolitan Opera debut in “La Traviata”. Very few people
knew that this fiery, explosively glamorous diva from Europe was actually once
an overweight, insecure Greek-American girl who grew up in Washington Heights
in Upper Manhattan in the shadow of The Cloisters.