Famed Figures of American and New York History Repose at Upper Manhattan's Trinity Cemetery by New York City personal/private licensed tourguide Jim Dykes of www.JimDykesNYC.com

Trinity Church, world famous as “the big brownstone church” on
Broadway at Wall Street, is one of the oldest parishes in the city of New-York,
founded in the seventeenth century, when New-York was still hyphenated. Trinity’s
two oldest burial grounds in lower Manhattan, have been inactive for centuries.

Trinity Church purchased a 23-acre tract of land far out in the “country”
in 1842 on a hillside overlooking the Hudson, which had been not far from the
site of the fierce Revolutionary War battles of Harlem and Washington Heights
in 1776.

Many of the tombs are exquisitely carved and decorated by the
finest artists and craftsmen of early New York including Tiffany & Co. The
obelisks, statues and mausoleums are some of the best examples of Neo-Gothic,
Victorian and American Vernacular funerary art & architecture to be found
anywhere. Several family vaults in the older sections are completely sealed, as
grave-robbing was quite common in the 19th century. There are 90
family vaults and 1,200 family plots. Original prices for burial were: for
single graves: $5.00, with a gravedigger charge of $2,00 added. Children’s
graves were $2 to $3 cheaper and family vaults ranged from $60 to $150.
The long list of prominent names begins with the great
naturalist John J. Audubon
(1780-1851) and in fact, much of the cemetery was Audubon’s farm “Minniesland.” In 1841, Audubon and his
wife Lucy established a farm on the Hudson River at the present W. 155th
Street & Riverside Drive with a grand family manor spacious enough for his
two sons and their combined families. Later his property was sold to Trinity
Cemetery next door and incorporated into the cemetery property. Audubon’s 30
foot high marker lies in the Eastern Division of the cemetery, behind the
church. A massive stone base, topped with a huge stone Celtic cross, it was erected
in 1893 by the New-York Academy of Sciences. The monument is gracefully carved
with a variety of birds representing his famed drawings of “Birds of America.”

There are also Schermerhorns buried at Trinity Cemetery. Caroline Schermerhorn became the
legendary Mrs. Astor, self-proclaimed queen of New York society. Mrs. Astor
coined the term “the 400” because the ballroom of her Fifth Ave. house (where
the Empire State Building stands now) could hold only 400 people. Letters and
diaries of old New York are filled with stories of socialites and their
desperate attempts to receive invitations to Mrs. Astor’s balls.

One of the most noted people buried here is noted NYC Episcopal
priest Dr. Clement Clarke Moore
(1779-1863), the presumed author of “Twas the Night Before Christmas is buried
here with his entire family. Every Christmas season for nearly 100 years a
ceremony is held with a mass to celebrate Dr. Moore’s famous poem and a wreath
is placed on his grave.
One of the magnificent carved headstones reads:
Remember Man as
you pass by—As you are now, so once was I
And as I am, so
must you be. Prepare for death and follow me.