Robert Wagner made me lose my breakfast on LIVE With Regis and Kelly

Robert Wagner, an aging pretty-boy with limited acting skills who became famous for starring in (mostly) B movies and “romances” with beautiful A-list film stars, has written a memoir: Pieces of My Heart-- so he must need money. I’ve always heard stars only write books when they need money. (Above is a pic of me in my tux taken the night after this event. As you can see, I'm another "pretty boy"...I'm 27 years older now).
On Regis & Kelly this morning he is obviously trying to sell books so he attempted to come off as just “one of the boys.” I met Mr. Wagner when I was working backstage for producer Alexander Cohen in the Green Room at Radio City Music Hall for Night of 100 Stars II in 1985. Originally from Michigan, one suspects he portrays his climb to stardom as much of a “Little Me” version of things. He said he moved to LA (Bel Air!) as a teenager and got a job as a caddy at a golf course frequented by film stars. Apparently, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, Randolph Scott and other stars were attracted to this pretty boy and helped him cut thru red tape and get a movie contract. One wonders what details Mr. Wagner is leaving out. Major film stars don’t usually offer to assist every cute 18 year old boy who carries their golf clubs.
Regis Philbin was slobbering over Wagner and his Hollywood memories while Kelly Ripa (Wagner played her father in a few episodes of her ill-fated TV show Hope & Faith) recalled: “the way all those famous men treated you when you were young…perhaps that’s why you treated us all so nice,” to which Wagner said “Isn’t she great?” What else could he say? My personal memory of Wagner is that he’s a jerk…he is one of those actors who treats backstage personnel like dirt under his feet. Wagner thinks he’s a much bigger star than he really is, and is only nice to someone who can do something for HIM.
When I worked backstage on Night of 100 Stars, I totally recall Wagner as being a cold fish, arrogant, rude, hard to speak with or get a response from and I remember him fixing me with a cold, steely glare instead of responding when I said “hello” or tried to ask him a question. So Kelly Ripa must have a completely different memory of this man that I do. Karma, I suspect, will not be kind to someone like Wagner. I’ve noticed this as I’ve gotten older and worked in and around showbiz egos. So many people who were given help and a kind “boost up the ladder of success” seem to forget who helped them and when they get to the top of the heap, instead of “paying it forward” and helping someone else, they pull the ladder up after themselves.
Other major stars that night were wonderful—I kept notes of every event I worked and saved my dressing room assignment sheets. Myrna Loy, Anne Baxter, Carol Burnett, Lucille Ball (tough but adorable), Jimmy Stewart, Ginger Rogers and other A-list stars couldn’t have been nicer to deal with. It was the insecure TV stars like Wagner who were usually jerks…here they were surrounded by TRUE celebrities and most of them responded with rudeness and arrogance. Wagner was sitting on a green room sofa much of the evening next to Lloyd Bridges (very nice man) and sharing a dressing room (604) at Radio City with a host of celebs including Bridges, Charles Bronson, Yul Brynner, Michael Caine, Matt Dillon, Bob Fosse, Jim Henson, Richard Dreyfuss, Billy Crystal, Jim Nabors, Jimmy Stewart, Rock Hudson (ill and kept to himself), Mayor Ed Koch, Tony Randall, Ben Gazzara, David Frost, Charles Durning, Billy Dee Williams, Marvin Hamlisch, Vincent Price and others.
With regards to Jim Dykes' blog - I'm truly gobsmacked by the visciousness and inacuracy of it. I have no idea what Mr Wagner did to warrent such nastiness (if he was rude to the blogger, perhaps that had more to do with the blogger's behavior toward Mr Wagner), but this blog just beggers belief!
I was lucky enough to meet Mr Wagner a few years ago and found him warm, friendly and a perfect example of a 'gentleman' of the old school. I know quite a few people who have met him (and a couple who know him well) and all share the same opinion of him.
As someone from outside the US, I have seen within the last 24 hours, the best and worst of America. The best - the queues of people waiting to vote in the presidential election and the eventual victor, Barack Obama. What a class act that man is! The worst - the nastiness in this blog and in Hayley's comment!
I did not meet Mr Wagner at a book signing - I met him prior to the autobio and all that stuff. I stand by my opinion of him (sorry to burst your bubble, but he really was lovely) - which seems to be shared by a lot of people, both fans and genuine friends/colleagues who have known him for many years. The fact that so many people of different ages/generations/social backgrounds speak so highly of him tells me that he is genuinely liked by a hell of a lot of people.
As for Mr Wagner making money off Natalie - I suggest you get your facts straight on that one. Natalie's royalties (from her films etc) go to her daughters. Mr Wagner has his own career and earnings. He has never sought to profit from Natalie or her death. He could have done - he could have made a fortune from it if he'd wanted to - but he didn't! He was too busy grieving for his wife and raising their daughters (who, incidentally, all adore him and have grown into delightful young women).
I really don't understand the nastiness in this blog and some of the comments. If Mr Dykes doesn't have an agenda, why write this blog in the first place? Everyone writes blogs for a reason.
Joanne, you go girl, you go and we all know you have the knowledge.
Those of you who met him, must have met him in a situation in which he was "on", where it was showtime! You who defend him and speak so highly of him should realize that he could care less about any of you.
Perhaps you should see him in a situation in which he is not being called upon to be Mr. Charm. I know people who have seen the same side of Wagner as Mr. Dykes has.
As for Wagner being admired, he has been kissing the ass of old Hollywood since he was a young man.
From what I have seen here, Mr Wagner's fans see what they want to see. Pure fantasy.
and Joanne, perhaps you should double check your facts. Mr. Wagner was in serious financial shape when he re-united with Miss Wood. She paid all of his bills, erased all of his debt. He was broke. She was loaded. She made it possible for him to begin working again. He was enjoined from working, then she waved her checkbook and took care of everything for him. Robert Wagner was never a big money star who could be called on to carry a picture. He's second rate, as a man and as an actor.
And before you place judgement on Mr. Dykes sexuality and condemn him for it, you should take a peak at Mr. Wagner's history. Do you honestly think he is straight? He is as BI as can be.
She loved him very much, he loved her very much, that's what count. Trying to destroy his image (Something you won't do) what you get is just hate and bad feelings . Actors, a lot of them, have just wonderful words about him. And women... I haven't heard anyone of them complaining about him as a man. Al contrario! hehe
You don't like him as a person and as an actor. So what? A lot of us do.
and tzse, you need to read up on old RJ, he admitted that Natalie bailed him out financially when they got back together. He was broke. He stated it in his book.
You people are so blind that you won't accept the truth when HE tells you.
Having worked with, and known, RJ for several years, I can vouch for the fact he is one of the most genuine and delightful men I've ever known in what is often a vile business.
He is a gentleman, which is certainly more than can be said for the spiteful - and obviously angry - Mr. Dykes.
The Internet is truly an interesting invention - it brings the world together but at the same time it seems to allow the most horrendous people a platform to spew all manner of hatred.
Johartuk is the scourge of blogs and internet forums the world over.
And now, all these years later, the LAPD has re-opened this case and even though Wagner is an 87-year old senior citizen, he is the #1 person-of-interest. I saw it coming! Call me psychic, but I remember my interactions with him and those steely eyes staring at me and thinking: this guy does his best acting off-screen! He's probably a killer!
And now, all these years later, the LAPD has re-opened this case and even though Wagner is an 87-year old senior citizen, he is the #1 person-of-interest. I saw it coming! Call me psychic, but I remember my interactions with him and those steely eyes staring at me and thinking: this guy does his best acting off-screen! He's probably a killer!
Everybody knows that Hollywood and Broadway are both filled with gay actors (and actresses) but many of them are not "out" because they fear backlash from the public, even in today's so-called "more enlightened" times.
It's long been rumored that Robert Wagner is one of those "gay" or "bi" actors...the quiet word in the Velvet Mafia is that he likes little Latino boys that take their money in cash and keep their mouths shut. Hollywood Boulevard is full of them, also Palm Springs' Palm Canyon Drive (if you know where to look)!
Perhaps Natalie knew like many wives know but she chose to "look the other way." Or perhaps she also had her private life. I've always wondered about former Broadway chorus-boy Christopher Walken, who was on the SPLENDOUR boat the night of Natalie Wood's mysterious death. A very strange drunken 3-way...Wood, Walken and Wagner. Where was Walken's casting director wife--who has helped boost him to "stardom" but is rarely seen. The couple has no children, not that it matters. Speculation abounds!
I remember my university music professor had 5 children but he still grabbed the asses (and other things) of any willing male student.
Respectfully, you are NOT a pretty boy nor cute or attractive.
You have an old shaped face, nose, receding hairline and nothing memorable at all. I'd say boringly average in desperate need of a tan.