Sarah and Mathew and Chris Noth and ME

OMG-- I just saw an item that Sarah Jessica Parker and Mathew Broderick, who have been hunting for a new house for a long time, have apparently bought a 19th century townhouse on East 10th Street (for $18million!!) next door to where I once lived! And...wait for it....directly across the street from Chris Noth's apt. in the Brevoort Apartment Building on University Place near NYU!!
Sarah and Mathew have lived in Greenwich Village for years over on Charles Street...Mathew grew up in the Village at nearby 27 Washington Square North (same building as my acting teacher, the late great Uta Hagen) and their Charles Street home is, by coincidence, right around the corner from the location used on SEX AND THE CITY as "Carrie Bradshaw's apt."...66 Perry Street.
Funny how these things happen!
In my mind's eye I still remember Sarah and her Mom and family...we all worked together in the Alvin Theatre back when a young teenage Sarah was the third "Annie" on Broadway, promoted from her role as "July" in the orphan chorus. I'm sure she doesn't remember me at all, even though I used to hang out in her dressing room with her brother Toby and his friend Robert Klein. As a teenager in acting school, I sold souvenirs and Annie dolls in the lobby for Ray Fanning and lived in a cold-water flat on nearby Ninth Avenue. I remember Sarah was 13 going on 32 like most kid actors. I also remember the day she got her famous haircut-- from her long brown hair to her short Annie bob, died red. And how she cried a bit while they cut her hair. I also helped Sarah & her Mom and Brooke & Teri Shields empty out her dressing room and load the car on Sarah's last day as Annie (she was growing up too quickly) but I'm sure nobody remembers me. Now I'm one of New York's best guides with wonderful memories and stories. I worked as an extra on Sex and the City several times, even though I begged my old friend Camille Hickman (Sex and the City co-casting director) several times to give me a small part---but all I got was a "extra" appearances which I got on my own! So much for old friends in powerful places. Thanks Camille...for NOTHING.
Sarah Jessica looked at me on the set at one point as if she knew me or remembered me. I almost said something, but stars are surrounded by "handlers" and talking to the star is the fastest way for an extra to be fired or placed in the back of a crowd scene! Also, it wasn't the time or place to go into "old time stories from our childhood." She was the "star"...I was the "extra." In show biz you must know your place!