Flying Saucer Picture Snapped by NYC TourGuide & Actor Jim Dykes

Check it out: a real flying saucer picture I snapped at sunset over Riverside Park in New York City-- just as darkness fell-- when overhead we both noticed a hovering craft, cloaked in surrounding cloud cover. It was amazingly quiet-- it had a circle of flashing lights underneath, and seemed for a second to be silver, as if a force-field cloaking device was momentarily lifted, and then almost instantly, it began reflecting the exact color of the clouds around it. Our mouths were open and we watched in amazement, when my friend Mike said: "Wake up--you have one picture left...snap it!" So I did.
Could these crafts be intergalactic tourists? Just unobtrusively observing the more primitive race in our daily environment? Have they been coming for centuries? Is Earth part of the Interspace Travel Agency Special for vacationers a la Liberty Travel or ABC Tours for little green men and their little green wives?
Isn't it interesting how historically, everybody who has seen such things has always described the same silver, saucer-shaped, spinning object? Just like a flying saucer that others have claimed to see over the years, which inspired the various comic book versions and movie versions. Even Steven Spielberg created one like this in the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Apparently, ships like this have been immortalized in ancient drawings in churches in Europe (not sure where but I saw it on the Discovery Channel).
Non-believers I've showed this photo to always say: "Oh what a strangely shaped cloud" but I actually saw the darned thing, I took the photo, I saw the blinking lights underneath and heard the "whoosh" as it lifted up into the clouds.
I mailed this photo to a famous "sci-fi expert" who completely ignored me, but luckily with my blog I can let the world see it and come to their own conclusions.