Visiting Mae West’s grave Unless you’re a fan of classic Hollywood films, you probably have never heard of Hollywood movie-star and famous “sexpot” Mae West. She was known for her sexy image (which she invented with lots of glitz & sparkle, bleached blond hair piled high and a carefully cultivated image). She was the “queen” of the double entendre—many of which she wrote herself and inserted into her screenplays and stage appearances. She started in burlesque, vaudeville and made many Broadway appearances before making her first movie at age 39 when she signed a contract with Paramount Pictures in Hollywood. Recently, my blond actress friend Elizabeth called me excitedly to tell me she had just been cast as MAE WEST in the Broadway play DIRTY BLONDE. She was devouring all books and reading material about Mae West including Simon Louvish’s book MAE WEST: It Ain’t No Sin. (pic attached) Elizabeth went on to say: She lived in Hollywood for 40 years but she’s from Br...