First Luxury Apartment Houses on the West-side of Central Park were referred to as "outposts in Indian Territory"

The gigantic luxury apartment houses of Manhattan fascinate me and I love to talk about them on my private tours. The most famous of course, is The Dakota, built 1880-84 by Edward Clarke and designed by Henry J. Hardenburgh. But there are many others that have survived into the 21 st century. Many were built as hotels or as rental buildings and have been turned into condos or co-ops. The first gigantic buildings built with steel beams popped up in the late 19 th century and the idea to build them came from Chicago. In fact, the first Manhattan skyscrapers were designed and built by Chicago builders so the first buildings were referred to as “Chicago-style” buildings years before the word “skyscraper” was coined. It wasn’t long before the tall office buildings gave way to steel frame apartment buildings and hotels and churches. The South and West sides of Central Park began developing in the 1880s as a place for these new gigantic structures, but genteel high society in the...