GINGER ROGERS auto-bio brings back Memories of working with Ginger Rogers at Radio City Music Hall

Biographies and auto-biographies of famous people are always good reading...inspiring sometimes and sometimes just "junk-food" for the mind. I picked up an old copy of movie star Ginger Rogers autobiography GINGER-- MY STORY and it was fun to read, especially since I had worked with Miss Rogers years ago at age 21. Ginger Rogers was starring in a show at Radio City Music Hall called THE ROCKETTE SPECTACULAR starring GINGER ROGERS and I was a fresh-faced kid working backstage. Apparently Miss Rogers never forgot that she was a kid from Texas who was a good Charleston dancer, and OK singer and turned a Broadway career into a movie contract-- she minded her manners, did what she was told and consequently, was rewarded with stardom. Legendary status came later. In those days of the movie studio "star system" stars like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford protested by refusing to perform if a role didn't suit them. Ginger, on the other hand, asserted that she kept ...