Attn: Mayor Bloomberg- TACKLE NOISE POLLUTION before you say adios to City Hall!!!

I live in a New York City neighborhood that is VERY top-heavy with immigrants from the Caribbean with a very high rate of welfare recipients...still they are immigrants with cars. It's amazing how many people in this neighborhood have cars, even though cars in NYC are expensive (taxes, insurance, gas, garage) and the need for a car in Manhattan is neglible. Most people get by perfectly fine with public transit and the occasional taxi. CAR ALARMS: As I type this, another car alarm has started to BLARE it's shrill, non-stop beeping just under my window. It will go on for quite awhile because the owners may be able to afford a car in New York City, but they don't have the common sense to go to a mechanic and get the alarm adjusted for city streets. An alarm in your suburban driveway is will truly get your attention if somebody is trying to pilfer your car. But in the streets of New York City, it barely gets any attention, except scowls of pedestrians wishing the car we...